Eyes are the House of Memories.

Eyes are the House of Memories.

  • By Written by _ Yogita Jakhar, XIIC, Captain, Jodha House
  • Tue,19 Sep 2023

Eyes are the House of Memories. "It is in the eyes that their magic resides."- Arthur Symons. Eyes reflect the mind better than words and expressions put together. Just a glimpse into someone's eyes and we have an insight into the depths of their bewildering agony, suffocating tragedies, scars of survival or elating victories and monumental experiences. When the eyes admire the intriguingly breathtaking patterns of clouds in the sky, the spark in the soul entirely overpower the colour and shape of the eyes. The eyes reflect the essence and genuine character of a human being provided the watcher has an ability to look deep into the eyes. Our facial expressions might not, but our eyes will definitely exhibit our authentic feelings through joyous sparks, moving curiosity, narrowed questioning, widened surprise and moist tears. Eyes are not only an organ to perceive colours from the surroundings but also embody the colour of the soul. To discern the misery one is drowning in, the triggers of insecurities or to comprehend the things that made one fall in love with existence, the communication must be through the eyes because vulnerable emotions can be best transcripted in silence. With memories lingering behind the eyes, pain and disappointments trickling down, the frustration pouring like gentle rain from the edges or the celebration of life; it all lies in the eyes. The dark pools of fear and shadows of trauma can be deftly concealed in misleading, wide smiles but not really in the veracious eyes. Eyes are precisely the house of memories, for memories can neither be fabricated nor forgotten by the subconscious. Memories etched in our hearts, the eyes can reveal. What is expressed in words is akin to the tides touching the shores and not really the mirroring of the profound sea in its boundless depths . The depth is unveiled by the Eyes. Written by _ Yogita Jakhar, XIIC, Captain, Jodha House