School Management

Annie Cherian

08.11.1942 - 22.05.2004
Principal Of St. Anne's School
(1980 - 2004)

  • We remember you for your deep sense of family ties
  • We remember you for your compassionate, loving and generous ways
  • We remember you for your aesthetic sense, refinement and simplicity.
  • We remember that St. Anne's School is the realization of your vision....
  • We grieve the end of your earthly life but trust that you have crossed from death to life.
  • You will live on in our hearts.

A tribute from The St. Anne's School Community.

Dr. John Abraham


Mr. Joseph John

Director (Finance)

Mrs. Valsa George

Director (Academics )

Mrs. Tessy Joseph

Vice Principal

Mrs. Annamma Abraham

Director (Academics)

Mr. Anand Georgen

Manager ( St.Annes Akhey Niwas )

Dr. Madhu Anand

Principal ( St.Annes Akhey Niwas )

Mr. Vijay George

Manager ( St. Annes Prep School )

Mrs. Sheela Vijay


Mrs. Nimmi Sebastian
