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Participation  in Model United Nations,  2023

  • Thu,21 Dec 2023

This year we participated in  the Model United Nations (MUN),  organised by Happy Hours School in association with the DAIS from 15th to 17th December. The event emphasized on drawing out every individual’s caliber to it’s best with the help of different committees which displayed talents ranging from public speaking skills, resourcefulness, time management, compelling debating  to igniting curiosity to  collating information in captivating reports; a  jam-packed schedule with a whole lot of experience. 

It was a pleasure to have Dr. Abraham John as the Chief Guest. In his address he urged students to be the citizens of the word and have a global purview. 

Each day had an engaging aura, filled with excitement_  nobody slacked around and  kept up with the  bustling surroundings and no effort was wasted. Each of the 8 committees had their own theme and subject revolving around realistic issues across the world that are taken into account by the United Nations.

 A total of 16 students took part from our school and we returned  with a strong sense of achievement and an overwhelming feeling of joy. The time spent there was well-used by us as a  learning experience to help us sculpt ourselves into  good debaters  with a better vision of tomorrow; overall contentment and satisfaction pervaded  everyone’s mind at the finale of MUN 2023.

The following awards were secured by  our school participants for their appreciable work :

Three students secured the top positions in their respective committees. 

    1. United Nations Security Council (UNSC)                  :– Abhinav Ojha of 11E and Vishvajeet Singh of 11C 
    2. Economics and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)   :- Nishee Singh of 10 C
    3. International Court of Justice (ICJ)                            :- Anshuman Vyas of 9E

    All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM)  :-  Jasjyot Kaur of 12C


    1. All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM)  :-  Divyanshu Choudhary of 12C


Report compiled  by_  Sarah Vishnoi, 9H
