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  • Sat,23 Dec 2023

Senior School 

Blessed are the seasons that bring people together in celebration and engage the whole world in a conspiracy of love. 

Christmas is a festival of gifts, sweets, treats, and get- togethers. Our school extended this celebration by hosting a Christmas party. 

The event started by remembering the lord almighty. Our choir singers chorused the Christmas carols. 

Then, it was time for the children's favourite Santa Clause to come visit the exuberant audience and distribute sweets  on the mellifluous tunes of Jingle Bells.

For the senior secondary classes, we hosted a fashion show competition, for, what better way to make merry than to dress up and walk like you own the world.

The audience were zealous and cheered for the participants. 

The judges of the competition were our beloved teachers, Mrs. Pooja Upadhyay and Mrs. Archana Aggarwal.

The winners of the fashion show competition were as follows:
1st position: X E,F,G,H
2nd position: X A,B,C,D
3rd position: IX E,F,G,H

To conclude the beautiful event,  the floor was open to all to dance their hearts out and jubilate the festival of Jesus's birth.

We wish, that, may your holiday be merry and bright and may Jesus fill your home with light.

Report by_ 
Jasjyot Kaur, Cultural Secretary
