

  • Wed,21 Feb 2024

Farewell Assembly By The Students Of Middle School


 'Retirement is not the end of the road, it is the beginning of an open highway.' On 20th February, 2024 the students of Middle School St. Anne's bid farewell to their dear Mathematics teacher, Mrs. J. Aparna in a special morning assembly. The students paid a tribute to the successful completion of her 27 years of teaching journey. The assembly began with a prayer followed by a melodious farewell song. Thereafter the Vice Principal Mrs.Tessy Joseph invited madam Aparna on stage and delivered a wonderful speech about her experience working all these years with Mrs. Aparna, how she had served the school tirelessly and her ethics and morals have changed countless lives. After the speech, several students presented bouquets, cards, and mementos exhibiting their love and gratitude for their teacher. Paridhi Rathi of VIII E also delivered  a speech on behalf of all the students. Everyone was over whelmed when madam Aparna poured out her heart at the podium thanking the management for the respect and support over the years. She talked about the importance of discipline and learning in life and ended her speech encouraging the students to follow their  dreams. Two of her colleagues, Mrs. Rekha Vyas and Mrs. Rekha Bhandari also shared their feelings through short speeches. Everyone wished her a healthy and happy life after retirement.

