
GK QUIZ (primary)2025

  • Fri,17 Jan 2025

General knowledge Quiz

Quizzes are always thrilling and exciting. To nurture the inquisitive knowledge of the students  the General Knowledge Quiz was organized for classes 4 and5 on January 17 , 2025 at St.Anne’s Primary Wing. There were six teams selected on the basis of the preliminary round test . The Quiz was divided into many interesting rounds including sports, mental ability,  riddles,  Flora and Fauna, history , current affairs, visual roundand above all audience round. The winners are:

Class 4                                                            

First position.                                      

Team B.          

Vihaan   Jajra                                    

Shauryadeep Singh Chawara 

Lakshya Goel  

Ayan Jena

Second Position

Team F

Garvit Choudhary

Chirag Thurwal

Kush Kewlani

Dikshita Panwar

Third position

Team A
Vatsal Mathur
Anya Kumari
Chhavi  Rathore
Bhavya Saraswa

Team D

Dhruv Soni
Gitanshi Mathur 
Trisha Choudhary 
Sandhiya Jangid

Class 5

First position

Team A

Anugraha Sara John

Achintya Das

Aanchal Singh

Samarth Gurjar

Second Position

Team E

Aarav Rajpurohit

Aarvi Modi

Mitali Kumari

Aarav Kumar

Team F

Satvik Bhakal

Mohammed Sabeeh

Ojasvi Pareek

Tavrika Sharma

