
Measles and Rubella Vaccination Campaign

  • Wed,14 Aug 2019

Measles and Rubella Vaccination Campaign


The vaccination campaign is being held to protect children against measles and rubella which are highly contagious viral diseases. While measles kills nearly 49,000 children in the country every year, rubella causes irreversible birth defects.

There is no treatment for measles and rubella, but both diseases can be prevented by vaccination.

By vaccinating all children in the age group of 9 months to 15 years, India aims to eliminate both measles and rubella.All children in the age group of nine months to 15 years must take the Measlesand Rubella vaccine being given in the ongoing campaign. Even those children, who have been vaccinated for measles by their paediatrician or at health centres, should take the MR vaccine during the campaign.                   


On 6th of August 2019 Rubella Measles vaccination programme was carried out in our school as a part of the initiative taken by the Indian government to rid the community of these maladies. A couple of days earlier the teachers were briefed about the campaign, the benefits and the procedure. They played a prominent role in convincing the children and parents  and the target was to get maximum students vaccinated.              


 The vaccination programme began at around 8:30 AM in the school campus. About 2000 students below 15 years of age were vaccinated by a team of highly qualified doctors and nurses.                                    


The students turned out in large numbers. Most of them were excited and a few were scared but the nurses handled the students with much sensitivity. Single use syringes were used to vaccinate the children , hygiene was taken care of and proper attention was given to each student. The students were kept under observation  for 30 minutes before being sent back to their classes.  Paracetamol, Oral Rehydrating Solution , and a pain relieving cream was administered when required.  The  entire operation was carried out successfully in less than four hours.   

Ms Bindu Sharma was the nodal officer , representing the school.



 Preksha Jain, Cultural Secretary(XII D) 

 Raksha Gidwani,Prefect (XII D)
